Passion is strong in individuals who are creative or are involved in sports. You love your heroes to hold passion. But, it is not allowed in the mainstream of everyday living. You slowly leak the passion of life, of love and of light out of your beingness, so you too can play safe and feel successful in a linear equation of being in your body. Many who are passionate are yearning for others to join them in their passion for being so true to their souls calling. If you take those souls calling away, they find that passion in other forms. Yes, many passionate souls who were born to be propelled in the delightful creation of passion end up self-medicating themselves, because their passion is reckless and because their passion is a force that has been taken from your vocabulary of how you want to teach a soul, and how you want to condition a soul. Schools are masters of taking away passion. A young soul that is being asked to sit at a desk for hours upon hours negates the youthful passion of hands-on learning to get dirty in the dirt and to understand the sacred relationship that grounds their body to something that is permanent; Mother Earth. She will be here longer than you, yes? Yet, her passion for providing you with everything is also raped. Souls come in with this delightful journey of saying yes, yet how often is it that the souls in the classroom who can’t sit or are loud are deemed bad, and they need an attitude adjustment. How often have you shouted for joy in a space that others believe you have broken that protocol of the conditioning of that space.
A joyful celebration of you in saying yes to you is the passionate movement that needs to be grounded in every individual so they feel their purpose and their destiny. As you take away that passion a person loses his or her ability to fully ground into their true life purpose and their true destiny. This is a great game that the ego is playing because then you only get to play with half your energy field in the world around you. The more you give up your passion for life, for breath, for sacred contracts and sacred relationships in your sacredness of you, the more you believe in the paradigm of fear and the timidness takes over. You stop feeling the passion and slowly numb and become a placeholder of the structures that need you to be that placeholder.
I come forth as a gift within this discussion of passion to have you see these souls who are journeying from their space of passion to be self-medicated, to understand that if you are not going to listen to them in one way, they will find another way because they are your teachers. They have a message for you. They aren’t doing their life wrong. They have tried to help your society, your communities, and your families to bond and to hold a deeper communion that moves with a magnetic force of saying yes, and gluing that yes to manifest a more loving, a more united, and a more celebrated space. As you are part of the gift of celebrating with all souls, you know you are part of the anchor of souls to come to help them share and remember that they are truly the teachers, and to help them leave to soon. For all is critical to remember that we are all each other’s teachers, and we are the students of all these sacred relationships that unite for passion. Passion to be creative in living in love. Namaste