You are in the most expansive time that has ever been. You have been through many expansive times in this place you have called home. This time, you have many souls who are saying yes to enlightenment. The process looks messier than before. Understanding duality is the first gift to ground into this expansion of love and light. You as a collective have said yes, especially thirty years ago with your harmonic conversion, to bring in harmony. As you said yes, you were reminded of all the garbage that your human egoic placement has brought you. Part of the energy again, of hate, is a collective knowingness that it is time to forgive your collective guilt for being in bodies. The war on your body must stop. In stopping the war on your own physical body, you help stop the disconnection of people playing in the illusion and not being connected to the heart. Through your last generations, you have been trying to connect with the mind, which is beautiful, but you have taken it into an intellectual space. Knowledge is critical. In an intellectual mind, data points of knowledge provide you with a roadmap to exist in harmony with your fellow beings. Intellectually, you stop engaging in your heart. For everything then is an idea and not an experience. As you know if you have been a parent, a manager, a friend, or a lover, what you have agreed on, in theory, changes when you put it in action. It is what makes you feel that you are always wrong, or damned if you do, or damned if you don’t. Mentally, you do get it, within your mind. Then, you come to the box with the split-mind, and all those theories need to be woven in an ideological presence, like religion, that on one hand is to make you all feel safe. But, on the other hand, it can really make you resonate in guilt and fear. You are imploding all places that show a disconnect of your mind and of your heart at this moment. That really is the great divide. No matter how much you want to believe in a principle the movement of your body changes that principle. You all have a specific way that you create within the theories that you believe, and thus, you are in a very chaotic point right now, because you are very disassociated as a collective with your mind and your heart. You need to reconnect as a group and this is why you all came in because you knew that it is the greatest time of enlightenment. What is enlightenment, but the connection of the mind and your physical form of the heart. Because you have said yes to this great momentum, you must go deep into the trenches to all the bruises of the guilt of your collective. All the pain of your Civil War is upon you at this moment, for that story in your history never fully was integrated and healed. There are a lot of bruises that fester. Your Revolutionary War still is not healed. Nazi Germany is not healed. The destruction of Tibet is not healed. Tiananmen Square is not healed. Russia is not healed. How many bruises you enlightened souls took on. The pain of uncovering these bruises are brutal to the egoic story. It fuels that story to make you believe that war is the only way to achieve nirvana, a new beginning, or enlightenment. People really love this story because it is disconnected from your heart, soul, and spirit. The story is the wheel that turns in humanity to make you be the pinnacle, and then the lowest of lows. Know that what is happening now is the beginning of setting vibrational energy to have the harmony that you all said yes to. It is scary because it is not what you thought would be in form. Yet, the vividness of anchoring in yourself and grounding in to be here fully, and to be an advocate of love, is the greatest gift that you can have. It is happening organically all over this globe. Love is the resounding answer to people who are saying I need to reconnect. No more shows that keep me hypnotized in the illusion of ego, but saying yes to being one to all that is around me. Mother Earth is allowing you to step up for her and to acclaim global warming because you are all warming up. Light is warmer than darkness. You are creating warmth around you as you are saying yes to love. As you say yes to love, your passion will be the energy that moves you with Mother Earth into a place that resonates the highest harmony. Warming is a way of saying that you are here to be warm with your advocacies to become that heater of light and love that warms somebody that is feeling so dark. This time, allows you to look at the symbols around you and to find out what piece of the bruise you are here to work on. If the Nazi flag is your stimulus of pain, then you are here to heal that. If the Klu Klux Klan is your stimulus of pain, then you are here to heal that. Look at these symbols around you and acknowledge them as a gift that allows you to sink into that bruise, and heal with forgiveness that memory that created it. So, you can be strong in your advocacy. Now is the time to raise my hand and stay connected to my heart, and I honor this wing of duality, but I am leveraging all this chaos with my quest of love, to see and to hold forgiveness in this place so I can be clear in my path to not have fear and get pulled in. This time is amazing. It is like all the hot spices like cayenne, and when you take a bit it opens you. This time is hot and spicy, and in that openness, it is for you to have that clarity of your connection in how you are to say yes forward with that. Namaste-Archangel Raphael