When you are awakening, there really is no difference in what you feel and what you are creating. The heart gives you the space to gather all that you see and to harness it so that you can share it outward. Every time, what you can imagine is part of the reality of what is to unfold. The spectrum of what you wonderful beings of light can imagine is beyond decadence for us. The beauty of what you can imagine speaks volumes to the harvest that you are saying yes to. Also, the deep tragedies that you can imagine provide a way that will keep you captive in a small heart. Each vision holds a truth. When that vision comes, how strongly does it hit you and impress upon you? When a vision comes to you three times for everything is created in form through the father, son and holy spirit which is the divine triangle of matter, it is a sign for you to pay attention. A lot of times what you envision can change. You might envision a sweet hat and you might end up with a hoody because that vision is about the creative energy of your agreement. What comes in form is your agreement and how you are creative with that agreement within the magnetic forces.
Light brings particles to awareness in a magnetic field. We are all just light particles at this moment, but you all hold great agreements that you are a body. That is how strong you magnetize matter to your now. When you have a vision, the result might be exactly what you see. Hold onto that vision and tuck it away, or get a picture of it, to see then what is your truth agreement. Many people visualize winning the lottery. It is a great vision. You all can. But, your agreement with yourself, family, work and community make you maybe just win a free ticket occasionally. You won the lottery, but you didn’t win the full pot because of your agreements to yourself and to others. When you have that light and you are a teacher and a way sharer with your kids it is helping them when they say I want to be thus, you can say yes, I can see you hold mastery in that, and let’s see how we can create it. You all hold masteries in your creative energy fields. Some are more creative in their mastery of money, with friends, with partnerships, or with the collective. You are all masters. When you find your mastery, it then allows the light to bring things out of a vision to your reality.
But, you are working through your agreements, because when you are just awakening, you must really push through the egos cocoon effect. The ego experience is to never let you have your wings. It is egos job to keep you like a caterpillar munching away on a small leaf of awareness. You are all here to break through a cocoon and find your wings. That is when you start awakening. In this awakening, certain truths are going to ring deeply to you and certain truths are not, because, of your agreements of how you want to be loyal to certain authority and how you want to hold integrity to power with authority. What you are saying is I know that I am going to have a vision that is going to come to be, but I have no design on how it is going to look. It allows your creativity in your agreements to bring something to you so you can understand who you are at that moment. Yes, let go of the reins. Know that you have already mastered the way of it all, for you are saying yes to the light. That is a huge spectrum of awareness and it can be scary and overwhelming and make you paranoid at times, but the reality is that in light, the clarity of truth is your anchor, and when you hold truth, you can’t go into paranoia because you do know the source which is grounded. Namaste