Now is the time in this land of abundant news stories that you are again being brought to be a true witness of humanity. Your space in witnessing what is happening is more powerful than ever, provoking you to say and do the renewal and the rewrite of love and not fear. I am here as a witness, so you can with your wholeness bring a message of wisdom to this allure of unconditional love. It is an alluring aspect for you all. But, when you hold the essence and the promises of a miracle, and the wisdom and knowledge of love, you give yourself permission to celebrate and connect with a deepness of you that is fully harnessed in your gifts of unconditional love. Unconditional love is what brings the universal laws into action. Unconditional love is the law of oneness.
You are always in motion, and you are part of the perpetual motion, so thus, you never fully die, and you do reincarnate until that motion is fully in unconditional love. The power of vibration is harmonizing your essence in your landscape with your purpose. This harmonizing gives you the wisdom of being a witness in your landscape, for none holds the wisdom of the whole. That is why you are all integral in connecting and weaving the masterpiece of oneness. No one is left out.
Your mind is the place where you hold the ideas of who you are and who you shall become. It is within the mind that you get to rewrite any regrets that you hold. When you say you are ready to rewrite this story now, so I do not have to come back and ever redo, you get to have that idea and that knowledge of what is the perfect rewrite. This proactive joining of your mind, your power, and your heart open more wisdom to shine. It is not about any other individual but you, and you are the one that has been chosen. Namaste