Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Parable to Oneness

     You all grew up knowing the fable of the three little pigs.  They were being chased by the big bad wolf.  You constantly feel like you are being chased by the big bad wolf.  The programming of your ego is the awareness that there are eyes upon you waiting to pounce and take what you have worked so hard to claim.  Maybe you are good in acknowledging that the wolf doesn’t affect you any longer.  But, the wolf could affect your loved ones, or the love of your country, or the love of Mother Earth.  Ego dynamics are a part of your filtering system, for as spirit is always in motion, so too is your ego.  The ego is as creative as your Divine Creation for it is in the awareness of you that you did create to survive.  Even in your happiness, the highest of highs that you have ever achieved, you feel that this might fall and that you might always have been watched.  Inner and outer programming that is streaming like the waves of your microwave, heating you up and scattering your senses and making you choose from a place of impulse and survival, instead of an alignment with your divinity in love.
     In the story, you have three little pigs. You have the mind, heart, and body. The three little pigs found ways to outsmart that wolf. They realized that the house of hay didn’t quite save them. Then they realized that the house of sticks didn’t save them.  Yet, the house of bricks and mortar saved them, and they were safe.  Thus, your boundaries became brick and mortar, and you are safe.  Your mind is safe, your heart is safe, and your body is clearly safe.  But, brick and mortar don’t move in a world of celebrating the expansion of you.  It doesn’t move in a way of offering you to be creative and share you with others. 
     You are safe from ego programming, but that ego programming always finds a way to come in through the chimney, right?  You are smart enough to catch them. The ego programming wants to come in through your crown.  Your spinal cord is the chimney.  You catch the ego programming through that field of awareness, and it is why claiming you is so important because brick and mortar last a long time.
     The strengths of your systems that run-in brick and mortar have lasted centuries.  But now, with the energy age, brick and mortar are no longer safe. The ego programming is within the walls.  The ego programming can filter throughout the night. It is not just down the chimney, but it is filtered in every nook and cranny. You then are looking at the borders that you hold, and the boundaries that felt so right for so long and are now imploding.  
     The gift of you in claiming your space of divine truths is all harvested in your walking stick of life, which is your spinal cord.  That will allow you to then expand those truths throughout your field to make you safe and bring you back into a connective force. Because, in the energy age, brick and mortar no longer serve the purpose that it used to. 
     Wood holds more options because it has more allowance of flow.  You are not feeling so caged into paradigms of a structure.   More of you are expressing the need to work from home and not go to brick and mortar, or seeing your home as a celebration of offering it to others, and to become part of a community of textures that come and go and flow in the field that you are all moving in.  The energy age is you.  Then you will see that it is more straw that really helps you to connect.  The ego is afraid of the expansiveness that your particles hold, and that you can expand globally and be true to your divine principles and your divine destiny.

     There will be a time when borders do not make sense.  There will be a time that governments will choose to govern differently. You as a spokesperson of this movement will be able to celebrate your truths in holding the clarity of the collective unity of oneness and how it provides the harvest of abundance for all.  Celebrate that you are here to say yes to this journey and hold those three little pigs in the light of love, for their awareness of movement from straw to sticks to bricks have given you the fulfillment in cycling back to create this heart in the knowledge that your oneness is the pure system that will allow you all to thrive. Namaste 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take Responsibility for Your Creations During This Time of Great Implosion

What is creativity in an expansion?  Expansion is the foremost purpose in you showing up at this time. Creation is the truth and the source of you.  Know that this time is all about you.  You Dear ones are the power, for you have created everything around you.  Your power of expression mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically has created the foundation of who you are now.  Your power to be you is the power you must claim.  As you claim this power, your hearts expression and your destiny fulfill the treasure and the glory of your heart’s designed purpose.  Your purpose is the rhythm of accepting your power as permission to speak, to share, and to celebrate your voice and your note to the collective notes of humanity.  Your voice again holds the power to unite the expression of your heart and your mind.   
     Humanity is not a separate space of interactions, but it is a united awareness of oneness.  Because your voice is the vehicle of expression of your heart and your mind, your vision of the collective of oneness and of you, is propelled through the visions that you receive from us, the communication wizards of the source, love, and oneness.   Your visions that you behold are the remembrances of your design that you brought to your holy vehicle or your body, to fully be in this expression of you. 
     Your visions give you the framework to hold and be held in the dance of oneness in your beautiful Crown Chakra.  Your crown of glory always is your connection of depth, of truth, and of strength with source and love.  As you hold this powerful texture of the movement of creation, you are here to understand with each other your divine power and grounding these pieces of creation, of power, of heart, of words, and of vision in a connective voice of oneness. 
     Your foundation is the way you hold your sacred journey to the ground around you. What foundation are you accepting to stand proudly on?  What foundation is crumbling around you?  For you are in the time of great implosion.  In this time right now, the energy is folding in upon itself.  The great inbreath of all humanities creation is now.  Within the great inbreath, you are finding the true sensitivity of your physical form.  Your creations are coming back into your awareness to be fully acknowledged, fully accepted and fully hugged in the remembrance of its creation. 
     Previously you had been in the time of outward expansion and many times when you create and allow it to go free, you release a lot of the responsibility that was part of that creative endeavor.  Your responsibility of being the source which you are, of every creation upon this Earth right now, upon the Universe right now, and upon the space of duality, makes you responsible also for the expansion of your creations.  For us that serve you in the fulfillment of your destiny, these expansions are pivotal in creation.  There is no right or wrong.  There is no awareness of anything but you creating and feeling the majestic waves of how your creation has benefited you as a collective, you as an individual, and you inside your body.  The expansion outward was a wonderful time that has served great growth upon your soil.  Your foundations of how you as you and a collective, and how you want to show up, has made a statement big and bold.  This big bold statement of creativity has offered many to be seen, and many to be heard.  Also, within the big bold statement, the breaking news of you is felt through the devices of how you share your words.  Words are always part of a sacred glue of your heart and mind.  If those words don’t hold that sacred glue and it is just from the mind, your foundations will crack.  If your words are just from your heart, your foundations will crack.  For you Dear One’s create from the mind that is one, and from the heartbeat that is one of humanity.  The mind is one of spirit.  The heart is one of humanity.  In a sacred placement, your creations that are big and bold are breaking the news of love, victory, joy, and glory. 
     Yet, if your words shouting out your creation is only from the mind or a broken heart, the breaking news is of pain, strife, power struggle, or of doom.  Your foundation built on the breaking news of you must withstand the scrambling, the interference, and the conditioning of your space that has diluted your voice as sacred and created where you no longer want to be out in a foundation of big and bold.  But, you hold as a collective a new tucking in behind devices surrendering your power of visibility and vulnerability.  Thus, in this great implosion of energy, it is the time that you have shown up for, yes?  This time was marked to bring in the breath of oneness so you can gather the strength that has been lost.  Many know that they did not take responsibility for their past lives of the great expansion.
     So, you have come to take responsibility for the great energetic implosion.  One way that you are all doing this is to be strong in looking for answers within your physical form.  Many of your illnesses that behold your physical form at this moment are because there was not an awareness in the past either through your DNA, past endeavors, or past lives, that you did not understand the responsibility that you hold in the texture of oneness with all your neighbors.  Thus, the physical form has become the template of awareness.  So, if your body is being triggered, it is that realization either through your DNA or through a past life, your heart did not accept a responsibility of staying strong with your voice, with your mind, and with the heartbeat of yours. If your digestion is off, there is a way that you did not nourish a space around you. The more digestion problems that you have, the more that your responsibility was off.  This does not mean that it was just you, so do not take this as an I am guilty statement of past wrongs, for many of you have taken on soul group energy as you have come to say that you will hold this space, and heal it for the soul group, and not just you in a past life.  In the past soul groups came to expand in power, in creation, or in love. If your heart is feeling a heaviness at this time, know that it is more than just you, it is a soul group expression of how as a soul group you were learning this vulnerable space of unconditional love.  For you are all old souls, and you have been willing because of your mastery of holding foundations, that you have accepted to be part of the healing of a soul group too.  Know that your wisdom, your strength, and your willingness to be holding inwardly the divine awareness in your physical form this lifetime, allows this implosion to heal the recklessness of the past, and to celebrate the breaking news of love and togetherness.  For that truly is always your purpose when you set your feet upon dear Mother Earth.  Namaste

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Understand Creation While Awakening

When you are awakening, there really is no difference in what you feel and what you are creating. The heart gives you the space to gather all that you see and to harness it so that you can share it outward.  Every time, what you can imagine is part of the reality of what is to unfold.   The spectrum of what you wonderful beings of light can imagine is beyond decadence for us.  The beauty of what you can imagine speaks volumes to the harvest that you are saying yes to.  Also, the deep tragedies that you can imagine provide a way that will keep you captive in a small heart. Each vision holds a truth.  When that vision comes, how strongly does it hit you and impress upon you?  When a vision comes to you three times for everything is created in form through the father, son and holy spirit which is the divine triangle of matter, it is a sign for you to pay attention.  A lot of times what you envision can change.  You might envision a sweet hat and you might end up with a hoody because that vision is about the creative energy of your agreement.  What comes in form is your agreement and how you are creative with that agreement within the magnetic forces.
     Light brings particles to awareness in a magnetic field.  We are all just light particles at this moment, but you all hold great agreements that you are a body.  That is how strong you magnetize matter to your now.  When you have a vision, the result might be exactly what you see. Hold onto that vision and tuck it away, or get a picture of it, to see then what is your truth agreement. Many people visualize winning the lottery. It is a great vision. You all can.  But, your agreement with yourself, family, work and community make you maybe just win a free ticket occasionally.  You won the lottery, but you didn’t win the full pot because of your agreements to yourself and to others.  When you have that light and you are a teacher and a way sharer with your kids it is helping them when they say I want to be thus, you can say yes, I can see you hold mastery in that, and let’s see how we can create it.  You all hold masteries in your creative energy fields.  Some are more creative in their mastery of money, with friends, with partnerships, or with the collective.  You are all masters.  When you find your mastery, it then allows the light to bring things out of a vision to your reality. 
     But, you are working through your agreements, because when you are just awakening, you must really push through the egos cocoon effect.  The ego experience is to never let you have your wings.  It is egos job to keep you like a caterpillar munching away on a small leaf of awareness.  You are all here to break through a cocoon and find your wings.  That is when you start awakening.  In this awakening, certain truths are going to ring deeply to you and certain truths are not, because, of your agreements of how you want to be loyal to certain authority and how you want to hold integrity to power with authority.  What you are saying is I know that I am going to have a vision that is going to come to be, but I have no design on how it is going to look.  It allows your creativity in your agreements to bring something to you so you can understand who you are at that moment. Yes, let go of the reins.  Know that you have already mastered the way of it all, for you are saying yes to the light.  That is a huge spectrum of awareness and it can be scary and overwhelming and make you paranoid at times, but the reality is that in light, the clarity of truth is your anchor, and when you hold truth, you can’t go into paranoia because you do know the source which is grounded.  Namaste

Monday, August 6, 2018

You Are the Choice, and You Are the Chosen

No one comes down to be an evil soul.  The duality here makes you very competitive and even more so if you have DNA that is already highly competitive, and you bring a divine destiny to achieve something that you might achieve at any cost; fear and survival will control the outcome as no motive is pure.  That is part of the learning curve of understanding that no one has a full pure soul who is here.  At some moment in your life, you have done something in the name of survival, and I ask you to release that to us and know that your survival brought you here.  It brought you to be able to say yes to this time as you show up and help others to not just stay in survival as your society of power is imploding.  Many of your traditions have changed and they will undergo more and more changes, for you all are in the energy age and as an energy being you are very fluid and that created the vehicle of your body to live in deep experiences of emotion, and to always connect in the mind.  Your field of survival is about your vehicle, and so the fear of what can happen to your body or another makes fear become your motive.  As you realize that you all beat in the one heart, you are all together woven deeply in a connective place in the one mind.  You are hugged in the blessing hug of love.  In this container, you get to celebrate the fabric of how to be vulnerable and connect and to help someone through their trials and celebrate their joy.  For their being joyful will bring your joy ten-fold to you.  The recognition of their wonderment in that joyful place allows all of you to level up in the wonderment of your joyful place.  The rhythms happen, and it allows you to know that as the rhythm moves what today holds, tomorrow can be vastly different.  The journey of this rhythm propels the motion for you to find your wings as a collective and to celebrate moving into a freedom of expression that you came here to do.  You are your ultimate power. You are your ultimate authority.  You are the choice and you are chosen, for you created you to be here now.  In that choice, it gives you the power to share your wisdom of all that you are and all that you are becoming.  Connect and hold strong for your weave of love, your weave of gratitude and your weave of forgiveness, will bring you to a place that makes each day the miracle that you want.  Namaste.  

Monday, March 26, 2018

Bring Out the Truth in Your Cells, and Listen to the Silence of History

It is not about less silent.  It is about grounding each morning and finding the presence of your truth on how you hold your voice with the collective voice.  Every minute in every day now, you are bombarded 24/7 with information that is or is not true.  Many people no longer have a truth meter within them.  All words become a commentary or an opinion piece on what the collective should do.  Take the strength to ground, and give yourself the time each morning to ground and meditate and allow your cells to open up, for they are the perfect receptors of the truth of now within the mass collective energy fields.  You have chosen to be here now, so your cells are all receptor sites to pick up the mass collective in silence with TV, phones, and radio, and to sit in the mass conscious energy to find the truth that is yours to speak.  History loves to repeat itself, and the ego is the engineer of history.  All history is memories, so there are no first-person accounts.  So, you don’t know the truth of history, and that is what the ego loves. It also loves to make you think that you can learn from history.  You just learn how creative the ego mind is.  That is what you learn when you study history.  There are only smidgens of truth as you recall history.  The truth is in the receptor sites of your cells.  You have all lived many lifetimes so you all have these receptor sites of truth, of the fall of the Roman Empire, of the fall of Atlantis.  You understand this game that is playing out in the illusion of power, for it has forsaken truth.  You as a collective came to hold, to meditate, to be present, and to find your truth in the knowledge of when your truth makes you part of the choir to play with.  Some souls are called to talk about the gun issue, or health care, while some souls are here to preserve the beautiful soul of Mother Earth.  Knowing where you hold the truth in alignment is the greatest good that you can provide with your words.  By clarifying that place within your will of sharing is important.  As you go and see these pivotal movements, please ground before you turn on any news or read any articles, so that your presence can pick up your truth, acknowledging how you are to share your voice to these mass conscious movements.   Namaste-Archangel Raphael