Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Trusting the Oneness of You

Trust is part of the subconscious mind.  That vastness of the subconscious mind is full of trust.  The conscious mind does not trust, for it needs things to equate in a beautiful equation that marks failure or success.  That is really all you have in this world of ego; failure or success.  But, even success is very fleeting in the world of ego.  For, someone will usurp your success, so you are never successful within your conscious mind.  Your subconscious mind is more connected to your soul and to spirit.  In that subconscious mind, you hold trust of who you are, who you have been, who you will be, and who you wholly are in spirit.  It is part of the higher mind or your higher self, yes?  The conscious mind is very small, so it must equate things in a very simplistic rendition of its perfection.  The subconscious mind is very vast, so there is a lot of science to be had within your brain.  This is an adventure of exploration of creativity within science, and to go and explore the vastness of your mind. 
     When you awaken, people want to say you are fully conscious.  That is not true.  When you awaken, you are fully in your higher selves in the mind part of you that is whole in spirit.  That is what you live through in that placement that does not hold duality; it holds non-duality.  Your conscious mind will always hold duality because it is part of the lenses of perception, so you cannot trust what you consciously connect if you are not aware and hold true trust in your highest self, your highest mind, and then allow the ocean of your sub conscious to bring forth your identities of you, to be aware of and move into how you fully connect in trust and love.  Your sub conscious mind holds power, and it is power that brings trust to action. The sub conscious mind holds the identities of you that you have perceived and judged as good and bad.  Yet, when you bring them forth, you recognize they were just a simple nod that allows you to expand in a fuller connection of trust in yourself, trust in your creator, trust in your actions, nations, community, and trusting that the experiences that are set in your universe are for the good and not your bad.  
      You all have uncomfortable memories of harsh identities within your sub conscious.  They are scary for you do not know what they will bring.  These identities are memories and nothing more.  Memories have no power in your good.  But, once you understand and fully accept your truths within those memories, you can then fully hold your trust in action.  Many memories are how you acted or didn’t act in a world that is vastly judgmental on how you act.  Action happens because of how you view something at that moment. The world was made in a moment of madness.  You create worlds that you hold harshly in your own moments of madness through every identity that you have had.  You relive your stories of madness.  Many say it is for protection.  You say you will never do that again.  But, you will do it again until you understand that you did not create from a bad place, but you created from a place of false information.  When you can trust the new identity with the true information, that identity of bad disappears.  When you look at people who are going into their conscious mind trying to stay very logical, trying to hold equations of success that has been determined through the ego mind of duality, you will encounter the heavy hand of judgment everywhere.  When you trust the knowledge of your sub conscious mind as it filters through you as an awakening to smell and behold, the essence of you that will make your cup of joy overflow, you have truly fallen in love with trusting the oneness of you.  Namaste

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