When you pray for my highest and best, I invoke the strength of love, and I invoke the commitment of love, which is my invocation of your highest and best. It involves all your good and all your bad as you work through the process of duality.
Many people lose their faith when they pray or pry into their ways of achieving their highest and best. Sometimes the highest and best for you now is to walk through some Karma so it doesn’t avalanche on you in another lifetime or in ten years. Other people lose their faith in thinking that we may not even want their highest and best.
As a collective whole, you all hold a collective oneness in what you want for your family, community, country and the world in achieving their highest and best. Right now, it is calling in some debts of Karma that if you don’t pay attention to the cracks of your integrity as you expand to your highest and best, you could lose it all. It was truly built in a flood zone of Karma. Karma usually relates to a negative awareness than a positive in your collective wisdom with its principal. Yet, what is the Karma of your good? You do not equate that as part of the negative, so Karma is a coin that truly holds all the nuances of your shadow and your nuances of love. Then you equate the identity of prosperity to your highest and best. You are always flipping the coin of Karma at that moment, to see if it is work on the shadow side or work of the light.
Christmas gives you hope that your Karma of paying it forward by buying presents and holding light in a time of great darkness will loosen those Karmic ties, for the reality is that this time of the year is the darkest days of your calendar. So, you are afraid of that Karmic coin of darkness. Thus, you create a celebration of new beginnings with a virgin birth, and of light that helped to hold your fear of darkness at bay.
All prayers are held in the intention through the communication of us for your highest and best. The intention of your prayer when you pray wholeheartedly of love and light is to be given your highest and best. That allows us to bring clarity to the darkness so that you have a way to walk safely through the darkness, that at this moment might be part of your path. When you pray with the intention of harm for another or others, so you may get your highest and best, the light that we can share is quite dim, and you hold less faith that somehow there are limits to the wonder of creating solutions for your present situation or dilemma. The intention behind your prayer will always be unfolded for your highest and best.
You lack the strength to fight the darkness, so we are your candle that will always shed light like rain on an umbrella, for you to safely walk any moment that is part of your present to be fully holding your highest and best.
December is a time that you wrap up presents that you have come to pay forward to others with your love. It is also the most perfect time for you to wrap up your gifts to you. Each person needs to take the time to honor themselves with a gift that they give unto themselves to expand their light, and their love forward in the new year. This time of giving is a profound moment to expand into the offering of lighting new pathways to connect others darkness in faith and compassion, and to connect another’s darkness in the remembrance that they are doing their highest and best in their moment of now. Namaste
~Archangel Raphael as Channeled by Trisha Michael
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