Saturday, April 11, 2020

Finding Your New Self During a Pandemic

Each grain of sand has a purpose. Each seed planted holds a Divine Blueprint to become what it must. Each human form through their Holy Temple is the sand, the seed, and the purpose with a Divine Blueprint to bring in the vibrant awareness of their now.  You do not have to be popular, rich, or known by many to unfold the glorious Divine Blueprint that you hold.  By unfolding that blueprint, you Dear One holds the highest success that your soul knows it came to be.  Internal programming is the essence of your soul, snugged deeply within your spinal cord, pulsing each neuron with excitement to have you be the divine instrument of source that you came to be.  Your now is the expression of all your in-breaths and all your out-breaths.  All your thoughts inward and all your thoughts outward.   All your emotions inward and all your emotions outward.  There is a dance that plays out in creating your now.  You are participating in that dance.  That dance is a bold stroke of being part of many Holy Temples breathing in and breathing out as a collective to participate in a grand movement of humanity on a mass level. 
      Your now is celebrating a grand mastery of your in-breath and your out-breath, of your thoughts in and expression outward, of your emotions inward and your emotions outward. You have all said yes to be a part of an awakening of the human wholeness.  In that yes, you all knew that you would be together to bring light to some very dark events during your walk, your journey and during the time here on our Dear Mother Earth. The collectiveness of being together is saying yes to provide an understanding of the temperature so to speak of where humanity rests.  Are you resting in your thoughts, emotions, and even in your actions in fear?  Or, are you resting right now in your emotions and in your physical Holy Temple of love?  
     At this moment, you are looking at what wave you want to ride out during this excitement of a reset of all that you know and see the growth of the highest order of beauty,  and the joy of Mother Earth.  She is benefiting from more knowledge than you could have ever given at this time.  In that, she the Giver of Abundance, the Giver of Resources, and the Giver of your Journey is greatly thankful.  She will show up to you all in powerful ways just like the storm, the darkness and the fear of this slow-moving virus.  She is part of your team.  She always has been and always will be.  Right now she is in full communication with you in the deepest gratitude of you being here right now saying yes to fulfilling the opportunity for growth, healing and the opportunity of you Dear Ones in going deep within and understanding your eternal programming. What divine blueprint you came to plant within Mother Earth’s delicious soil so you can ride into that fulfillment of being you at this time.  I hold the waves that are crashing upon your psyche,  crashing upon your hearts emotional platforms and waves that are quaking your root for you to find your bravery of saying it is the time for me to chose my Divine Blueprint of purpose and be true to why I am here and to show harmony in that way of growth to all, so they too can be true to themselves in the design that works perfectly with all. 
     I am honored as I hold the waves of you, that you are looking for the balance to help hold strong to the knowledge of us in love, to the knowledge of the strength that peace, harmony, and joy are without falling into the ego warfare of scarcity, of ultimate power, and hoarding of resources. Now is your divine time to take a firm stand on what balances you.  Is it hope?  Is it trust?  Is it love?  Is it peace? Is it curiosity?  Is it the beauty of you?  As you pick your gift of what balances you, it becomes the breath that allows you to be on a magic carpet within the crashes and the waves of fear.
     As we are all one, call on me and I will hold you and help you know what texture, and what vibration is yours to balance with. I will let you know within every part of your body what it is for you.  Call on me, and I shall hug you to the deepest oneness of your Divine Blueprint, and have your balance be known.  Together that balance will anchor humanity into a new understanding, into a new wisdom, and into a new insight of how your world will evolve in the next week, month and years.  Call on me, for I serve you.  Namaste.   

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