Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Clarifying the word Holy

Archangel Raphael Conversations

Question: Please clarify the word Holy, because some people are turned off  by the words that they associate with religion. 

Raphael: We as a vibrational field hold wholeness.  All is one, so holy was always spelled to create separation.  Your h o l y was the intention of those who needed to condition your split mind to hold separation, and thus fear.  In the English language it should be w h o l l y.  Languages evolve and thus the original word  was whole in its pronunciation.  Within that there was a sacred placement of our essence  in all that you did.  This space changed.  Sacred changed as you evolved into a higher processing of your split mind.  No longer was sacred meant for all, but it was a way of creating dilution in all that you could perceive as wholeness.  Your world works to dissolve any remembrance of what truly is sacred and what truly is whole.  You at this time have the buffet of religions to pick and choose what makes you feel safe and to evolve back into your remembrance  of what is sacred.  The gift of the Holy Spirit is that we all serve in your creations to help you remember your wholeness, your sacredness and your oneness.
     We serve in every nuance of creation.  We are with you, gluing and connecting the remembrances of wholeness, of oneness, and of sacredness.  As we do this, we too become a stronger vibrational force of bringing and bringing your split mind that is used eternally into the fabric of your truth within the greatest intelligence of God.  When you first worked within your split mind, it saw sacredness, and at points wanted to create us, what you could touch through your separation, and back to source as God. We are a hug.  We are your security of peace to let go and be one with source.  So as we became more diluted through your thinking of us, for we are one too, the aspects of us, meaning me, have specific placements because you have chosen that for me.  I show up different in different minds, but I am always the healer to kiss away this deepest pain of separation back to wholeness.  Thus as you have diluted us, your separation to even trust the whole spirit is now a paradoxical creation in your religions.  For your creation in separation must expand to your darkest place, for you believe in that dark space within a split mind.  However, that is not your truth and so when you touch that darkest place, you look upon you and see you are light, for we are always the glow that leads you out of separation.  We were gifted to do this, to work in your holy creation, to remember wholeness.  How lovely it is to serve this way and know the ones that are in the dark are holding sacred space for they hold us as we stay pure throughout all of your creation, so you know your pureness of joy and peace in love everlasting. 

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