Friday, April 17, 2020

Showing Up As Truth in a Crises

     From creation we connect, yes?  In this connection, we hold harmonies to celebrate the highest and best for all.  Why not connect and figure out together the joy of what this moment, this breath, this thought, and this ground brings.  As we connect with power, I offer the thought of what is your power.  What power motivates your breath, your thoughts, and your awareness of you in creation, or expands the seed that you have planted in your beingness.  Power brings forth heart to trust and to reach beyond its knowledge of the scope, that others too will sing its joyful song.  Heart energy connects humanity.  Humanity is one in the way the heartbeats.  Humanity is one in the way you breathe.  Humanity is one in the way you bring in nutrients and release them.  That is why in this oneness there is a great fear of others because they can create a toxic virus to become part of your story, so you believe you must be in isolation with your heart.  You must breathe in isolation with each breath.  You must have your Holy Temple in isolation.  For what you bring in as your nutrients, you leave to disconnect from the reality of oneness will drive you crazy, for you are all one. 
     You are woven like a tapestry of experience, energy, wisdom, learning, growing and of participation. These are part of your background of your soul’s knowledge of why your journey was pivotal to be here during a crisis.  Tapestries are mass collective consciousness and unconsciousness of how you held the wholeness of the experience.  Did you hold this wholeness in love, and understanding and faith? Or, are you holding it in fear, isolation, and scarcity?  You are weaving this background as a collective upon Mother Earth at this time.  You are awesome to be participating in this crises.  We celebrate the enlightenment of what this experience is bringing to your science, technology, and those who offer classrooms on your technology.  We celebrate at this moment of holding a space that can provide wonderment as you go in to celebrate who you truly are.  For you show up longer as truth in a crisis.  Breath in deeply Dear Ones and hold that breath and allow your body to acknowledge your awesomeness of participating in this moment.  As you breathe out your gratitude resounds to Mother Earth, for she is the holy gift that you are giving.  For her, this time is monumental. It is giving her the opportunity to heal loose ends so she can vibrate at a new level of enlightenment.  Namaste

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