you grow, it takes time for your physical body to catch up to the space that
your field is holding. Thus, listen to
your heart, and it will again bring the connectedness of the divine timing to
your fuel. It is scary I know for you to
listen to your heart as a whole and to hear that heartbeat. There is something that brings an awareness
of your vulnerability that this beautiful organ within your physical being is
pumping all the blood through you. That
blood is the stream of water that brings moisture to all the cells within your
form. Connecting to that rhythm gives
you a piece of what you want to create and will magnetize with you. One way is to hold your hand over your heart
and to feel if you are a feeler, to know if you are a knower, that you are part
of the beat, if you are clairaudient to really listen deeply, or if you are
clairvoyant to see the heart moving. It
is a fist that you get to raise and say that I am triumphant in my
creation. You are at the center of what
you are questing for. It is the divine
timing that throws you off because the conditioning of your fuel has brought
you into weighing so many choices and holding some doubt in the weighing of
those choices. If you feed the darkness
when you hold doubt, it will go into fear and the ego. But, if you see the doubt before it goes into
fear, put it into your hand, hold your heart, connect to the divine rhythm, and
magnetize to the Law of Attraction. Once
you feel the connection and you feel the fuel of your Solar Plex raise your
hand and say you are triumphant over that doubt. Then you let it go, and in that, the angels
will kiss that darkness and then with your hand out, receive what you have been
longing for.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Allow Us to be Your Candle to Light the Way to Your Highest and Best
When you pray for my highest and best, I invoke the strength of love, and I invoke the commitment of love, which is my invocation of your highest and best. It involves all your good and all your bad as you work through the process of duality.
Many people lose their faith when they pray or pry into their ways of achieving their highest and best. Sometimes the highest and best for you now is to walk through some Karma so it doesn’t avalanche on you in another lifetime or in ten years. Other people lose their faith in thinking that we may not even want their highest and best.
As a collective whole, you all hold a collective oneness in what you want for your family, community, country and the world in achieving their highest and best. Right now, it is calling in some debts of Karma that if you don’t pay attention to the cracks of your integrity as you expand to your highest and best, you could lose it all. It was truly built in a flood zone of Karma. Karma usually relates to a negative awareness than a positive in your collective wisdom with its principal. Yet, what is the Karma of your good? You do not equate that as part of the negative, so Karma is a coin that truly holds all the nuances of your shadow and your nuances of love. Then you equate the identity of prosperity to your highest and best. You are always flipping the coin of Karma at that moment, to see if it is work on the shadow side or work of the light.
Christmas gives you hope that your Karma of paying it forward by buying presents and holding light in a time of great darkness will loosen those Karmic ties, for the reality is that this time of the year is the darkest days of your calendar. So, you are afraid of that Karmic coin of darkness. Thus, you create a celebration of new beginnings with a virgin birth, and of light that helped to hold your fear of darkness at bay.
All prayers are held in the intention through the communication of us for your highest and best. The intention of your prayer when you pray wholeheartedly of love and light is to be given your highest and best. That allows us to bring clarity to the darkness so that you have a way to walk safely through the darkness, that at this moment might be part of your path. When you pray with the intention of harm for another or others, so you may get your highest and best, the light that we can share is quite dim, and you hold less faith that somehow there are limits to the wonder of creating solutions for your present situation or dilemma. The intention behind your prayer will always be unfolded for your highest and best.
You lack the strength to fight the darkness, so we are your candle that will always shed light like rain on an umbrella, for you to safely walk any moment that is part of your present to be fully holding your highest and best.
December is a time that you wrap up presents that you have come to pay forward to others with your love. It is also the most perfect time for you to wrap up your gifts to you. Each person needs to take the time to honor themselves with a gift that they give unto themselves to expand their light, and their love forward in the new year. This time of giving is a profound moment to expand into the offering of lighting new pathways to connect others darkness in faith and compassion, and to connect another’s darkness in the remembrance that they are doing their highest and best in their moment of now. Namaste
~Archangel Raphael as Channeled by Trisha Michael
Monday, October 16, 2017
Predictions From Archangel Raphael for 2018 and Beyond
Mother Earth is going through many changes, and it is just a time for her to do that. Throughout the next year, you will have hurricanes, and you will have an earthquake of great magnitude within the United States. You will also see more fighting over water rights and your fuel that you use. Movement for Mother Earth is for her to bring up the nourishment that you all need in your life. For her, what is happening is to bring what is clean and clear from deep down up to the surface for all to use. Recognize that she is also ready for you as humanity to truly connect with her and to find her as one of the great what-ifs that you can all advocate and lobby for within your own heart and home, but also within your community. Now is a wonderful time to seek information on what is around you, and understand the property within the soil that your neighborhood holds. Understanding more information with Mother Earth allows you to advocate in her space that connects you deeper into a true oneness that you all came to say yes to.
There will be more fighting within your globe of course because now has been the time that everyone is picking sides on what they believe is right and how far they want to take that being right into righteousness. Know in your heart where you are right. Being right is not the point of demanding that from others, but in bowing with great gratitude to all the different energies that will come forth to hear their righteousness, and to give a meaning to really having a what if of a conversation for as you know you are more alike than not. As individuals, you really do gravitate to the highest principle of caring and loving your neighbor as you love yourself or loving yourself as you love your neighbor and recognizing that if you are part of the conversation when you feel it is right to step into that.
There will be more famine and fire which is, of course, all through the great global warming and in this process of warmth, you are all being asked to purify your truth, for in fire things are burned to perfection as if you are holding pottery that has been fired. As you are warming globally and you are warming into a more passionate energy, you are being asked to really warm into your truths on integrity, your truths in compassion, your truths in empathy, and your truths in how your right the wrong of your light and of your mind.
What is happening is because you all seek to understand the pain of your path. When you as a global economy start looking at the pain economy that holds you, you start questioning that that pain economy is truly for you. The world is held in pain. Your dollars flow because of pain on your macro level. Thus, fear is a way for you to know pain, so you are fed the stories of fear.
I talk about the micro level of the economy because this is where you are not a victim, and it is not about pain. It is about riding in the joy that your destiny has brought you to and to know. There are many ways to manifest the beautiful gift of money that you all seek. Allow it to be one of those things you seek and know on a micro level what your good is and that it is rewarded through the connection of people around you. When you get exhausted, hold your heart with gratitude that you are part of a very organic movement that requires all of your light to show up as the way you have seen it and say that “I came for love, for I am love, and in my love, all is whole, and all is complete.” Your love is the greatest calling card that you will ever share. More and more people are turning off the stories of fear and embracing love. As you hold your heart, you are holding the heartbeat of oneness, and in that oneness, you are all saying that we are here in love, we are here whole and complete, and we are here to celebrate that oneness, unity and it is a beautiful way to show your oneness in that heartbeat.
If you get the what if of putting a lovely thought out on social media about how love caught your fancy today, how beautiful to share. We all hold that knowledge that we are already a love story and not a tragedy, and sometimes not a thriller. Hold love in a way that is your truth.
Your global markets are going to be erratic this year, so if you are one who has money in investments, make certain that you feel them out for the year and determine if you should move them based on your feelings for the year. Each one of you holds the resonance of what is needed to be done to conquer the highs and the lows that your chaos will bring you this coming year. Remember that what has been taken away has not really been taken away. But it is something that has given you a temperature or an understanding to see if you really want to advocate to bring it back or not. Nothing is ever lost in your world of form, it just changes place. Sometimes it is taken off the books, and sometimes it is put back on. But, it gives you as you are looking at your teeter totters of anxiety within your mind, emotions, and your body, to see if there is something that you really want to advocate for and bring it back.
Your strength will bring a lot of opportunity for abundance and prosperity for all of you this coming year. If you are not tied into the heaviness of the macroeconomy, you will find the right people and the right opportunity for much joy and abundance. As a collective, you are all ready to embrace the big changes that are coming forth. Some people are excited about the movement as old structures start to implode or really explode, and other people are scared. Both of these energies are very true. There is great excitement as we see you moving forward and saying as a collective that the more you hear, you really want to embrace, and sometimes when you are looking to overcome and to seek new possibilities, you must let go of the old patterns that have a lot of memory to them, but also make you not seek outside of where you are at. When things start to explode, you knew coming in that this was a possibility, so on some deep level, whenever there is a natural disaster or a manmade catastrophe, there is always a knowledge within you that you remember this somehow or this is what this knowledge is about. In a way, you are very prepared to take on the macroeconomy that will throw things at you this year. You will all weather the storm because a lot of what is happening might never touch your micro level to the degree that the fear people are wanting you to feel.
Check in daily with yourself as it becomes the way of mastering the pitfalls that the economy can throw at you. As you start checking in, you will find that you do have a direct connection to your higher self, your guardian angel and to God. In that direct connection, as you start trusting it, you will find that your choices are the right choices and those choices glue you to the greatest journey that you came to do. You really are the light that is lighting the way for all to remember your oneness in love as you explore all your mighty what ifs on the gracious home of Mother Earth. Namaste
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
The Great Wounding of Our Youth
Kids here feel the heaviness to comply with all the systems around them. They feel that the heaviness is what makes them not hold their expansion. They are afraid that if they don't hold on and conform to what is around them, they won’t be loved. Their gift is the strength of their love. When souls love so deeply, they have a hard time discerning what they are truly loyal to. Are they loyal to their parents and their parent’s ways of life? Or, are they loyal to a knowing that could make them become somebody you might not recognize. Love and loyalty go together. When you love, you are very loyal, and in that loyalty, you stop acknowledging your destiny sometimes in your passion. To give yourself a break, you do sometimes self-medicate. There is no other way to unfold from the layers of how you are to be loyal. Please share with your children the love and loyalty in your heart, for they are not beholding to self-medicating. They are just trying to peel their heart of love to find that true space of their destiny that they can become loyal to. It takes you beyond your thirties to really understand, and sometimes you don’t understand until you are in your fifties and sixties.
The kids know there are plenty of drugs and they are easy to get. You no longer need to work for a purpose. You just work. There will be a renewal of understanding purpose throughout the young ones. As they have that renewal, then they won’t self-medicate. Many souls just work for money, but not for their heart, and not for their destiny. Your colleges create great hardship with their debt. Then the kids are spit out and told that they have to deal with the debt before they deal with their destiny. Yet, what calls them at night and within their minds is their destiny, not work. Eighty percent of souls go to college just to get money. Their result is a good job, not their destiny. This is the great wounding of your youth. You do not ever tell them that their destiny and passion will provide their prosperity. You say that you must work to get prosperity and then from your prosperity you can do your passion, and maybe if you are lucky, your passion will provide you with your ultimate purpose of prosperity. Many students come from college with great debt and on a collective you have all decided that debt is good. You don’t even think twice of signing up kids for a hundred thousand dollars of debt in their twenties. How heavy do you feel individually with debt? It keeps you awake I bet. These kids feel it from the time they are eighteen. Would you self-medicate? Yes, it is easy. It is so much easier than to fight every day to claim they're true destiny when they are harboring the heaviness of debt. The system of the way you teach is imploding as it should. No one on this Earth should live under debt. That is the ego way of not allowing you to expand in your passion and purpose. Be a resource to your children and help them find their passion and fulfill their destiny with purpose. Namaste
Saturday, August 26, 2017
It is Time to Forgive Your Collective Guilt
You are in the most expansive time that has ever been. You have been through many expansive times in this place you have called home. This time, you have many souls who are saying yes to enlightenment. The process looks messier than before. Understanding duality is the first gift to ground into this expansion of love and light. You as a collective have said yes, especially thirty years ago with your harmonic conversion, to bring in harmony. As you said yes, you were reminded of all the garbage that your human egoic placement has brought you. Part of the energy again, of hate, is a collective knowingness that it is time to forgive your collective guilt for being in bodies. The war on your body must stop. In stopping the war on your own physical body, you help stop the disconnection of people playing in the illusion and not being connected to the heart. Through your last generations, you have been trying to connect with the mind, which is beautiful, but you have taken it into an intellectual space. Knowledge is critical. In an intellectual mind, data points of knowledge provide you with a roadmap to exist in harmony with your fellow beings. Intellectually, you stop engaging in your heart. For everything then is an idea and not an experience. As you know if you have been a parent, a manager, a friend, or a lover, what you have agreed on, in theory, changes when you put it in action. It is what makes you feel that you are always wrong, or damned if you do, or damned if you don’t. Mentally, you do get it, within your mind. Then, you come to the box with the split-mind, and all those theories need to be woven in an ideological presence, like religion, that on one hand is to make you all feel safe. But, on the other hand, it can really make you resonate in guilt and fear. You are imploding all places that show a disconnect of your mind and of your heart at this moment. That really is the great divide. No matter how much you want to believe in a principle the movement of your body changes that principle. You all have a specific way that you create within the theories that you believe, and thus, you are in a very chaotic point right now, because you are very disassociated as a collective with your mind and your heart. You need to reconnect as a group and this is why you all came in because you knew that it is the greatest time of enlightenment. What is enlightenment, but the connection of the mind and your physical form of the heart. Because you have said yes to this great momentum, you must go deep into the trenches to all the bruises of the guilt of your collective. All the pain of your Civil War is upon you at this moment, for that story in your history never fully was integrated and healed. There are a lot of bruises that fester. Your Revolutionary War still is not healed. Nazi Germany is not healed. The destruction of Tibet is not healed. Tiananmen Square is not healed. Russia is not healed. How many bruises you enlightened souls took on. The pain of uncovering these bruises are brutal to the egoic story. It fuels that story to make you believe that war is the only way to achieve nirvana, a new beginning, or enlightenment. People really love this story because it is disconnected from your heart, soul, and spirit. The story is the wheel that turns in humanity to make you be the pinnacle, and then the lowest of lows. Know that what is happening now is the beginning of setting vibrational energy to have the harmony that you all said yes to. It is scary because it is not what you thought would be in form. Yet, the vividness of anchoring in yourself and grounding in to be here fully, and to be an advocate of love, is the greatest gift that you can have. It is happening organically all over this globe. Love is the resounding answer to people who are saying I need to reconnect. No more shows that keep me hypnotized in the illusion of ego, but saying yes to being one to all that is around me. Mother Earth is allowing you to step up for her and to acclaim global warming because you are all warming up. Light is warmer than darkness. You are creating warmth around you as you are saying yes to love. As you say yes to love, your passion will be the energy that moves you with Mother Earth into a place that resonates the highest harmony. Warming is a way of saying that you are here to be warm with your advocacies to become that heater of light and love that warms somebody that is feeling so dark. This time, allows you to look at the symbols around you and to find out what piece of the bruise you are here to work on. If the Nazi flag is your stimulus of pain, then you are here to heal that. If the Klu Klux Klan is your stimulus of pain, then you are here to heal that. Look at these symbols around you and acknowledge them as a gift that allows you to sink into that bruise, and heal with forgiveness that memory that created it. So, you can be strong in your advocacy. Now is the time to raise my hand and stay connected to my heart, and I honor this wing of duality, but I am leveraging all this chaos with my quest of love, to see and to hold forgiveness in this place so I can be clear in my path to not have fear and get pulled in. This time is amazing. It is like all the hot spices like cayenne, and when you take a bit it opens you. This time is hot and spicy, and in that openness, it is for you to have that clarity of your connection in how you are to say yes forward with that. Namaste-Archangel Raphael
Friday, July 28, 2017
This Crazy Thing Called Love
This crazy little thing called love is not crazy love, but you have made it a condition of crazy. You all love, but you can be crazy in your expressions of love. Love’s purest essence is to take you out of the conditioned land and be part of your divine essence, fully holding the wholeness that love is for you, are one in love. To quest or to make any rules around how you celebrate love is to undermine the full vibrant creative space that love’s truth holds. As you are participating in your journey of love, you find your creative texture of how you celebrate your one on one with others that enter into your personal space. How you celebrate your exchanges with society in your world, your community and with yourself, become more vibrant and more collaborative in sharing an expanded awareness of you in how you trust you in being with others as they are celebrating their expression of love. You are all loved, and that I know is a wrapper that is hard to fully understand. As you hold space in meditation around this premise of being loved, allow that to soak through all of you into your cells so you can rewrite your program of fear or lack of love, allowing that cellular memory to remove all your pain and boo boos of not knowing your divine essence of love. Each time you do this beautiful meditation of just seeing love, or seeing someone you love hugging you, and have that feeling move through your energetic space and into your cells and into the memory of those cells, you will feel your body slowly letting go of the fear and pressure that is so inherent. As you let go, you soften to the place to allow the memories of all the ways that love has shown up for you. Then you can show up for another. Because truly, love is patient and love is kind. Namaste
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Falling from grace explained
Grace is the glue of your innocence and wholeness. When you hear people say, “she holds Grace,” that person is holding that vibration that glues their wholeness and innocence. In that grace, miracles are here before you, because all that holds grace, finds all is right, for there is no fear of the moment. All is whole, and you are innocent. You fell from grace within your own perception of your divinity. Falling from grace created the ego to be your antagonist for you to question and remember who you truly are. The ego is but your creation because you created this amazing story of falling from grace. When you fell from grace, you lost your glue of knowing your wholeness and innocence. You fell from that essence and texture, and what did you create? Gravity. The depth of heaviness betrayed the underbelly of all your denials. It is very hard for you to believe that you wanted to understand the concept of being more than God, your creator. You deny this awareness and it is what you run from, but it wasn’t because you were bad. It was one moment of asking, “what if.” You fell, and what does gravity do? It makes you fall from grace. When you fall, you are no longer whole or innocent, and because this one paradigm shattered you into millions of pieces of the creation of this world, you judge anyone who has fallen from your sense of grace. You as a contingency of the son and daughter of Absolute Love hide from your truth of just being a creator who asked, “what if,” and acted upon that. Any soul who acts upon a desire of “what if,” and fails your sense of what is grace, they become pebbles of humanity that get shifted to the fringes of your reality. Your fall from grace is your gift to understand your abundance.
You did not fall, you were caught. When you were caught by the beautiful gift of us, the Holy Spirit, we gave you all the tools to be the divine creator in a reality that wants to prove to you that you are not whole, not abundant, or not good. And yet, as you find your gift of your divinity in each incarnation, you say and remember the abundance that you truly are, and reconnect in grace, and not in gravity. A lot of times when you are in these movements of accelerated growth of your divinity in the remembrance of this, you get very dizzy, because you are no longer being held down to the principle of form, but to the creative flow that is held in grace. Movement of your soul is the movement to have a sacred union and sacred relationship with all that is around you and to disappear your “not’s” as in your not good, and moving back to the ease of grace that is you. Namaste ~Archangel Raphael
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Don't Take the Passion Out of the Young.
Passion is strong in individuals who are creative or are involved in sports. You love your heroes to hold passion. But, it is not allowed in the mainstream of everyday living. You slowly leak the passion of life, of love and of light out of your beingness, so you too can play safe and feel successful in a linear equation of being in your body. Many who are passionate are yearning for others to join them in their passion for being so true to their souls calling. If you take those souls calling away, they find that passion in other forms. Yes, many passionate souls who were born to be propelled in the delightful creation of passion end up self-medicating themselves, because their passion is reckless and because their passion is a force that has been taken from your vocabulary of how you want to teach a soul, and how you want to condition a soul. Schools are masters of taking away passion. A young soul that is being asked to sit at a desk for hours upon hours negates the youthful passion of hands-on learning to get dirty in the dirt and to understand the sacred relationship that grounds their body to something that is permanent; Mother Earth. She will be here longer than you, yes? Yet, her passion for providing you with everything is also raped. Souls come in with this delightful journey of saying yes, yet how often is it that the souls in the classroom who can’t sit or are loud are deemed bad, and they need an attitude adjustment. How often have you shouted for joy in a space that others believe you have broken that protocol of the conditioning of that space.
A joyful celebration of you in saying yes to you is the passionate movement that needs to be grounded in every individual so they feel their purpose and their destiny. As you take away that passion a person loses his or her ability to fully ground into their true life purpose and their true destiny. This is a great game that the ego is playing because then you only get to play with half your energy field in the world around you. The more you give up your passion for life, for breath, for sacred contracts and sacred relationships in your sacredness of you, the more you believe in the paradigm of fear and the timidness takes over. You stop feeling the passion and slowly numb and become a placeholder of the structures that need you to be that placeholder.
I come forth as a gift within this discussion of passion to have you see these souls who are journeying from their space of passion to be self-medicated, to understand that if you are not going to listen to them in one way, they will find another way because they are your teachers. They have a message for you. They aren’t doing their life wrong. They have tried to help your society, your communities, and your families to bond and to hold a deeper communion that moves with a magnetic force of saying yes, and gluing that yes to manifest a more loving, a more united, and a more celebrated space. As you are part of the gift of celebrating with all souls, you know you are part of the anchor of souls to come to help them share and remember that they are truly the teachers, and to help them leave to soon. For all is critical to remember that we are all each other’s teachers, and we are the students of all these sacred relationships that unite for passion. Passion to be creative in living in love. Namaste
Friday, April 28, 2017
Your Powerful Choices Can Make A Difference
choose the moment you created this reality.
Your vastness of creation was created for all is now. In its vastness, the choices are many, and
yet, the awakening process is the grounding, honoring and cleaning of one dish
at a time, or of folding each article of clothing one at a time. What is your dirty laundry? What are the ones that you take great honor
to clean with due diligence?
You are seen in heaven as vast powers of
all your incarnations. The stars are
just a miniature symbolic representation of how you sparkle the essence of
all. Thus, you must do one at a time to
ground and own your choices of you. As
you get good at choosing a magnetizing love, those destinies disappear into a
deeper relationship of choosing and honoring one incarnation instead of many
Because it is all now, and your choices
are all now, you in the split mind of duality cannot ground in that truth,
right? You must ground in the truth of
your Holy body of now. When you are
gifted the opportunity to be in the worlds between worlds, you are gifted the
opportunity to ground into specific free choice, free will incarnations of you,
and to take the gift of that life and bring it back so you can ground more
deeply in your relationship that you are here to own, in your relationship of
yourself, with others, and with your creator, and with you in the greater good
with Mother Earth and with all the possessions that you have.
The more you know of you from all your
destines helps you to accelerate and magnetize your world of love within
gratitude and forgiveness, so you do not have to play out the game of the
murderer for instance any longer. You are ready to
expand in reaching more, yes? But, you
cannot do that unless you are grounded in you and a way that celebrates your
connection with being happy on Mother Earth.
She is the giver of all you have. You could not manifest all that before
you without her nurturing. You must be
more active in celebrating her to expand your prosperity to others. Find a way, like in your garden, being
proactive in celebrating her bounty of the berries, and vegetables. Walking can give you grounding, yes? But, you get caught up into the fear of
keeping what you have, and that will un-ground you all. For Mother Earth is still abundantly giving
you all that you want and she is saying advocate for me. On some level advocate for me. Global warming is real. She is
saying that I need you to advocate for me now. Science is pivotal. Some scientists want to
strengthen the science and to celebrate her as Mother Earth energy, within
water, soil and within the fruits and vegetables. It is time to reengage in
your relationship with Mother Earth, for if she is destroyed, your safety is
not assured. For as she goes, you go.
You are all deeply intertwined in a relationship with her. I speak to all who are naysayers who are
conditioned which helps you to not be grounded in the most pivotal relationship
that your form needs. Your form does not
need new malls, it needs fields for your feet.
It does not need five star restaurants, it needs nature to replenish the
streams. It does not need oil for
battle, it needs freedom of alternative energy sources to celebrate the
grounding of your body existing upon Mother Earth.
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Trusting the Oneness of You
is part of the subconscious mind. That
vastness of the subconscious mind is full of trust. The conscious mind does not trust, for it
needs things to equate in a beautiful equation that marks failure or
success. That is really all you have in
this world of ego; failure or success.
But, even success is very fleeting in the world of ego. For, someone will usurp your success, so you
are never successful within your conscious mind. Your subconscious mind is more connected to
your soul and to spirit. In that
subconscious mind, you hold trust of who you are, who you have been, who you
will be, and who you wholly are in spirit.
It is part of the higher mind or your higher self, yes? The conscious mind is very small, so it
must equate things in a very simplistic rendition of its perfection. The subconscious mind is very vast, so there
is a lot of science to be had within your brain. This is an adventure of exploration of
creativity within science, and to go and explore the vastness of your
When you awaken, people want to say you
are fully conscious. That is not
true. When you awaken, you are fully in your
higher selves in the mind part of you that is whole in spirit. That is what you live through in that
placement that does not hold duality; it holds non-duality. Your conscious mind will always hold duality
because it is part of the lenses of perception, so you cannot trust what you
consciously connect if you are not aware and hold true trust in your highest
self, your highest mind, and then allow the ocean of your sub conscious to
bring forth your identities of you, to be aware of and move into how you fully
connect in trust and love. Your sub
conscious mind holds power, and it is power that brings trust to action. The
sub conscious mind holds the identities of you that you have perceived and
judged as good and bad. Yet, when you
bring them forth, you recognize they were just a simple nod that allows you to
expand in a fuller connection of trust in yourself, trust in your creator,
trust in your actions, nations, community, and trusting that the experiences
that are set in your universe are for the good and not your bad.
You all have uncomfortable memories of
harsh identities within your sub conscious.
They are scary for you do not know what they will bring. These identities are memories and nothing
more. Memories have no power in your
good. But, once you understand and fully
accept your truths within those memories, you can then fully hold your trust in
action. Many memories are how you acted
or didn’t act in a world that is vastly judgmental on how you act. Action happens because of how you view
something at that moment. The world was made in a moment of madness. You create worlds that you hold harshly in
your own moments of madness through every identity that you have had. You relive your stories of madness. Many say it is for protection. You say you will never do that again. But, you will do it again until you
understand that you did not create from a bad place, but you created from a
place of false information. When you can
trust the new identity with the true information, that identity of bad disappears. When you look at people who are going into
their conscious mind trying to stay very logical, trying to hold equations of
success that has been determined through the ego mind of duality, you will
encounter the heavy hand of judgment everywhere. When you trust the knowledge of your sub
conscious mind as it filters through you as an awakening to smell and behold,
the essence of you that will make your cup of joy overflow, you have truly
fallen in love with trusting the oneness of you. Namaste
Friday, February 17, 2017
I Send You My Gift of Whole Spirit
Clearing the mind out of duality is and should be a gift you give yourself every day, for we are part of the eternal mind as you are, and we can celebrate visions that will help bring your landscape to heaven. You created what is in front of you. You get to choose if your creations are good, bad heaven or hell. Your judgement can become discernment which can become oneness for all of you if you put in all the love that you are to something. That expression in your landscape is not wrong or bad, but is an expression of you celebrating the gift of love. You are gifted in your crown Chakra with a guardian Angel. You are not ever alone in your physicality. Your guardian angel was picked by your higher self as you chose the journey you needed to be on, which is the journey you said that I am in as well. You chose to celebrate with wholeness the Holy Spirit from the beginning in your duality. The moment you created this madness of illusion in physical separation of any frequencies or patterns that separate you from Absolute Love, God your creator hugged you and said, blessed be, do not fear that you are alone. I send you my gift of whole spirit, for you are still whole even if you are choosing an illusion of separation. And in a moment it all disappeared to eternity. Your mind knows its oneness. The divided mind within your physicality cannot express it into words so it cannot believe it is true and that you are one in Absolute Love right now. Namaste ~Archangel Raphael
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Stand Strong in the Face of Conflict
Conflict is your way of staying hidden from exposing to you in all the creations that you created, a place of both pain and love, and of both good and bad. You believe that you must protect yourself and others from your original sin. Thus, the more the successes that you have as a collective deemed as worthy and good, the more you believe you have created without the influences of original sin. Yet, you all have the aspects of your original "what if." That is not scary to acknowledge when you do start to know with every placement of you that you are whole and innocent, and that you are absolute love. In all the conflicts that is in your now, is the summation of decision remorse. As you can look upon each decision of you today, you will heal the pain of your past to really find the continuity of the knowledge of your wholeness in your now. Be strong when you look at the conflict that is before you. Do not shy away from the creation that you have created. But hug it and kiss it in a way of dissolving the energy of pain through the remembrance of love. Your now is the totality of you, and as you see what is before you, even if there is pain, it is just an acknowledgement that you are here accepting your greatest gift that you can give through the forgiveness of ever causing that pain to be a remembrance of you. Your light, your love, and your wholeness is always your truth. Be grounded and know that, and your creation will light your now. In joy everlasting. Namaste
~Archangel Raphael as Channeled by Trisha Michael
~Archangel Raphael as Channeled by Trisha Michael
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