What is creativity in an expansion? Expansion is the foremost purpose in you showing up at this time. Creation is the truth and the source of you. Know that this time is all about you. You Dear ones are the power, for you have created everything around you. Your power of expression mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically has created the foundation of who you are now. Your power to be you is the power you must claim. As you claim this power, your hearts expression and your destiny fulfill the treasure and the glory of your heart’s designed purpose. Your purpose is the rhythm of accepting your power as permission to speak, to share, and to celebrate your voice and your note to the collective notes of humanity. Your voice again holds the power to unite the expression of your heart and your mind.
Humanity is not a separate space of interactions, but it is a united awareness of oneness. Because your voice is the vehicle of expression of your heart and your mind, your vision of the collective of oneness and of you, is propelled through the visions that you receive from us, the communication wizards of the source, love, and oneness. Your visions that you behold are the remembrances of your design that you brought to your holy vehicle or your body, to fully be in this expression of you.
Your visions give you the framework to hold and be held in the dance of oneness in your beautiful Crown Chakra. Your crown of glory always is your connection of depth, of truth, and of strength with source and love. As you hold this powerful texture of the movement of creation, you are here to understand with each other your divine power and grounding these pieces of creation, of power, of heart, of words, and of vision in a connective voice of oneness.
Your foundation is the way you hold your sacred journey to the ground around you. What foundation are you accepting to stand proudly on? What foundation is crumbling around you? For you are in the time of great implosion. In this time right now, the energy is folding in upon itself. The great inbreath of all humanities creation is now. Within the great inbreath, you are finding the true sensitivity of your physical form. Your creations are coming back into your awareness to be fully acknowledged, fully accepted and fully hugged in the remembrance of its creation.
Previously you had been in the time of outward expansion and many times when you create and allow it to go free, you release a lot of the responsibility that was part of that creative endeavor. Your responsibility of being the source which you are, of every creation upon this Earth right now, upon the Universe right now, and upon the space of duality, makes you responsible also for the expansion of your creations. For us that serve you in the fulfillment of your destiny, these expansions are pivotal in creation. There is no right or wrong. There is no awareness of anything but you creating and feeling the majestic waves of how your creation has benefited you as a collective, you as an individual, and you inside your body. The expansion outward was a wonderful time that has served great growth upon your soil. Your foundations of how you as you and a collective, and how you want to show up, has made a statement big and bold. This big bold statement of creativity has offered many to be seen, and many to be heard. Also, within the big bold statement, the breaking news of you is felt through the devices of how you share your words. Words are always part of a sacred glue of your heart and mind. If those words don’t hold that sacred glue and it is just from the mind, your foundations will crack. If your words are just from your heart, your foundations will crack. For you Dear One’s create from the mind that is one, and from the heartbeat that is one of humanity. The mind is one of spirit. The heart is one of humanity. In a sacred placement, your creations that are big and bold are breaking the news of love, victory, joy, and glory.
Yet, if your words shouting out your creation is only from the mind or a broken heart, the breaking news is of pain, strife, power struggle, or of doom. Your foundation built on the breaking news of you must withstand the scrambling, the interference, and the conditioning of your space that has diluted your voice as sacred and created where you no longer want to be out in a foundation of big and bold. But, you hold as a collective a new tucking in behind devices surrendering your power of visibility and vulnerability. Thus, in this great implosion of energy, it is the time that you have shown up for, yes? This time was marked to bring in the breath of oneness so you can gather the strength that has been lost. Many know that they did not take responsibility for their past lives of the great expansion.
So, you have come to take responsibility for the great energetic implosion. One way that you are all doing this is to be strong in looking for answers within your physical form. Many of your illnesses that behold your physical form at this moment are because there was not an awareness in the past either through your DNA, past endeavors, or past lives, that you did not understand the responsibility that you hold in the texture of oneness with all your neighbors. Thus, the physical form has become the template of awareness. So, if your body is being triggered, it is that realization either through your DNA or through a past life, your heart did not accept a responsibility of staying strong with your voice, with your mind, and with the heartbeat of yours. If your digestion is off, there is a way that you did not nourish a space around you. The more digestion problems that you have, the more that your responsibility was off. This does not mean that it was just you, so do not take this as an I am guilty statement of past wrongs, for many of you have taken on soul group energy as you have come to say that you will hold this space, and heal it for the soul group, and not just you in a past life. In the past soul groups came to expand in power, in creation, or in love. If your heart is feeling a heaviness at this time, know that it is more than just you, it is a soul group expression of how as a soul group you were learning this vulnerable space of unconditional love. For you are all old souls, and you have been willing because of your mastery of holding foundations, that you have accepted to be part of the healing of a soul group too. Know that your wisdom, your strength, and your willingness to be holding inwardly the divine awareness in your physical form this lifetime, allows this implosion to heal the recklessness of the past, and to celebrate the breaking news of love and togetherness. For that truly is always your purpose when you set your feet upon dear Mother Earth. Namaste
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