You all grew up knowing the fable of the three little pigs. They were being chased by the big bad wolf. You constantly feel like you are being chased by the big bad wolf. The programming of your ego is the awareness that there are eyes upon you waiting to pounce and take what you have worked so hard to claim. Maybe you are good in acknowledging that the wolf doesn’t affect you any longer. But, the wolf could affect your loved ones, or the love of your country, or the love of Mother Earth. Ego dynamics are a part of your filtering system, for as spirit is always in motion, so too is your ego. The ego is as creative as your Divine Creation for it is in the awareness of you that you did create to survive. Even in your happiness, the highest of highs that you have ever achieved, you feel that this might fall and that you might always have been watched. Inner and outer programming that is streaming like the waves of your microwave, heating you up and scattering your senses and making you choose from a place of impulse and survival, instead of an alignment with your divinity in love.
In the story, you have three little pigs. You have the mind, heart, and body. The three little pigs found ways to outsmart that wolf. They realized that the house of hay didn’t quite save them. Then they realized that the house of sticks didn’t save them. Yet, the house of bricks and mortar saved them, and they were safe. Thus, your boundaries became brick and mortar, and you are safe. Your mind is safe, your heart is safe, and your body is clearly safe. But, brick and mortar don’t move in a world of celebrating the expansion of you. It doesn’t move in a way of offering you to be creative and share you with others.
You are safe from ego programming, but that ego programming always finds a way to come in through the chimney, right? You are smart enough to catch them. The ego programming wants to come in through your crown. Your spinal cord is the chimney. You catch the ego programming through that field of awareness, and it is why claiming you is so important because brick and mortar last a long time.
The strengths of your systems that run-in brick and mortar have lasted centuries. But now, with the energy age, brick and mortar are no longer safe. The ego programming is within the walls. The ego programming can filter throughout the night. It is not just down the chimney, but it is filtered in every nook and cranny. You then are looking at the borders that you hold, and the boundaries that felt so right for so long and are now imploding.
The gift of you in claiming your space of divine truths is all harvested in your walking stick of life, which is your spinal cord. That will allow you to then expand those truths throughout your field to make you safe and bring you back into a connective force. Because, in the energy age, brick and mortar no longer serve the purpose that it used to.
Wood holds more options because it has more allowance of flow. You are not feeling so caged into paradigms of a structure. More of you are expressing the need to work from home and not go to brick and mortar, or seeing your home as a celebration of offering it to others, and to become part of a community of textures that come and go and flow in the field that you are all moving in. The energy age is you. Then you will see that it is more straw that really helps you to connect. The ego is afraid of the expansiveness that your particles hold, and that you can expand globally and be true to your divine principles and your divine destiny.
There will be a time when borders do not make sense. There will be a time that governments will choose to govern differently. You as a spokesperson of this movement will be able to celebrate your truths in holding the clarity of the collective unity of oneness and how it provides the harvest of abundance for all. Celebrate that you are here to say yes to this journey and hold those three little pigs in the light of love, for their awareness of movement from straw to sticks to bricks have given you the fulfillment in cycling back to create this heart in the knowledge that your oneness is the pure system that will allow you all to thrive. Namaste
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