Saturday, November 26, 2016

Building Walls

                                                Building Walls 

The one you call Trump wants a wall.  He believes this will protect your soils.  This has been tried as a solution for eons.  Walls do not protect, but create a narrow definition of right and wrong.  If you are behind that wall, you have forgotten the freedom that love holds.  So, your wall will be tried for a little while.  You have no money to truly build this wall.  The maneuvering of all the product to construct it is too great.  It took forces beyond your humanity to build the pyramids.  Your great gift of celebrating with your ET's  are not going to help you build this wall, so even though it will be tried, it will lose great favor within the next year.  Do not worry, but people will then build walls within their minds and in their hearts.  Those walls are scary, for those walls are exactly what the ego wants more than a physical wall.  Those walls give a moment to righteous behavior.  Righteous behavior is the power that the ego gleans.  For it is usurping God's right once again, and your rightness once again.  How pivotal is this time for you not to expand and usurp the good of right, and the blessings of right conditions, right thinking and right connection.  
     What you think, is becoming a reality in front of you, and thus this awareness of how mindful you are holding your sacred knowledge of you and others becomes your divine instrument to co-create conversation that allows communication of heart to heart to be the note that you sing at each moment. Namaste
Archangel Raphael

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