Thursday, January 19, 2017

Stand Strong in the Face of Conflict

Conflict is your way of staying hidden from exposing to you in all the creations that you created, a place of both pain and love, and of both good and bad.  You believe that you must protect yourself and others from your original sin.  Thus, the more the successes that you have as a collective deemed as worthy and good, the more you believe you have created without the influences of original sin.  Yet, you all have the aspects of your original "what if." That is not scary to acknowledge when you do start to know with every placement of you that you are whole and innocent, and that you are absolute love.  In all the conflicts that is in your now, is the summation of decision remorse.  As you can look upon each decision of you today, you will heal the pain of your past to really find the continuity of the knowledge of your wholeness in your now.  Be strong when you look at the conflict that is before you.  Do not shy away from the creation that you have created.  But hug it and kiss it in a way of dissolving the energy of pain through the remembrance of love.  Your now is the totality of you, and as you see what is before you, even if there is pain, it is just an acknowledgement that you are here accepting your greatest gift that you can give through the forgiveness of ever causing that pain to be a remembrance of you.  Your light, your love, and your wholeness is always your truth.  Be grounded and know that, and your creation will light your now.  In joy everlasting. Namaste
~Archangel Raphael as Channeled by Trisha Michael

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