Friday, April 17, 2020

Showing Up As Truth in a Crises

     From creation we connect, yes?  In this connection, we hold harmonies to celebrate the highest and best for all.  Why not connect and figure out together the joy of what this moment, this breath, this thought, and this ground brings.  As we connect with power, I offer the thought of what is your power.  What power motivates your breath, your thoughts, and your awareness of you in creation, or expands the seed that you have planted in your beingness.  Power brings forth heart to trust and to reach beyond its knowledge of the scope, that others too will sing its joyful song.  Heart energy connects humanity.  Humanity is one in the way the heartbeats.  Humanity is one in the way you breathe.  Humanity is one in the way you bring in nutrients and release them.  That is why in this oneness there is a great fear of others because they can create a toxic virus to become part of your story, so you believe you must be in isolation with your heart.  You must breathe in isolation with each breath.  You must have your Holy Temple in isolation.  For what you bring in as your nutrients, you leave to disconnect from the reality of oneness will drive you crazy, for you are all one. 
     You are woven like a tapestry of experience, energy, wisdom, learning, growing and of participation. These are part of your background of your soul’s knowledge of why your journey was pivotal to be here during a crisis.  Tapestries are mass collective consciousness and unconsciousness of how you held the wholeness of the experience.  Did you hold this wholeness in love, and understanding and faith? Or, are you holding it in fear, isolation, and scarcity?  You are weaving this background as a collective upon Mother Earth at this time.  You are awesome to be participating in this crises.  We celebrate the enlightenment of what this experience is bringing to your science, technology, and those who offer classrooms on your technology.  We celebrate at this moment of holding a space that can provide wonderment as you go in to celebrate who you truly are.  For you show up longer as truth in a crisis.  Breath in deeply Dear Ones and hold that breath and allow your body to acknowledge your awesomeness of participating in this moment.  As you breathe out your gratitude resounds to Mother Earth, for she is the holy gift that you are giving.  For her, this time is monumental. It is giving her the opportunity to heal loose ends so she can vibrate at a new level of enlightenment.  Namaste

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Finding Your New Self During a Pandemic

Each grain of sand has a purpose. Each seed planted holds a Divine Blueprint to become what it must. Each human form through their Holy Temple is the sand, the seed, and the purpose with a Divine Blueprint to bring in the vibrant awareness of their now.  You do not have to be popular, rich, or known by many to unfold the glorious Divine Blueprint that you hold.  By unfolding that blueprint, you Dear One holds the highest success that your soul knows it came to be.  Internal programming is the essence of your soul, snugged deeply within your spinal cord, pulsing each neuron with excitement to have you be the divine instrument of source that you came to be.  Your now is the expression of all your in-breaths and all your out-breaths.  All your thoughts inward and all your thoughts outward.   All your emotions inward and all your emotions outward.  There is a dance that plays out in creating your now.  You are participating in that dance.  That dance is a bold stroke of being part of many Holy Temples breathing in and breathing out as a collective to participate in a grand movement of humanity on a mass level. 
      Your now is celebrating a grand mastery of your in-breath and your out-breath, of your thoughts in and expression outward, of your emotions inward and your emotions outward. You have all said yes to be a part of an awakening of the human wholeness.  In that yes, you all knew that you would be together to bring light to some very dark events during your walk, your journey and during the time here on our Dear Mother Earth. The collectiveness of being together is saying yes to provide an understanding of the temperature so to speak of where humanity rests.  Are you resting in your thoughts, emotions, and even in your actions in fear?  Or, are you resting right now in your emotions and in your physical Holy Temple of love?  
     At this moment, you are looking at what wave you want to ride out during this excitement of a reset of all that you know and see the growth of the highest order of beauty,  and the joy of Mother Earth.  She is benefiting from more knowledge than you could have ever given at this time.  In that, she the Giver of Abundance, the Giver of Resources, and the Giver of your Journey is greatly thankful.  She will show up to you all in powerful ways just like the storm, the darkness and the fear of this slow-moving virus.  She is part of your team.  She always has been and always will be.  Right now she is in full communication with you in the deepest gratitude of you being here right now saying yes to fulfilling the opportunity for growth, healing and the opportunity of you Dear Ones in going deep within and understanding your eternal programming. What divine blueprint you came to plant within Mother Earth’s delicious soil so you can ride into that fulfillment of being you at this time.  I hold the waves that are crashing upon your psyche,  crashing upon your hearts emotional platforms and waves that are quaking your root for you to find your bravery of saying it is the time for me to chose my Divine Blueprint of purpose and be true to why I am here and to show harmony in that way of growth to all, so they too can be true to themselves in the design that works perfectly with all. 
     I am honored as I hold the waves of you, that you are looking for the balance to help hold strong to the knowledge of us in love, to the knowledge of the strength that peace, harmony, and joy are without falling into the ego warfare of scarcity, of ultimate power, and hoarding of resources. Now is your divine time to take a firm stand on what balances you.  Is it hope?  Is it trust?  Is it love?  Is it peace? Is it curiosity?  Is it the beauty of you?  As you pick your gift of what balances you, it becomes the breath that allows you to be on a magic carpet within the crashes and the waves of fear.
     As we are all one, call on me and I will hold you and help you know what texture, and what vibration is yours to balance with. I will let you know within every part of your body what it is for you.  Call on me, and I shall hug you to the deepest oneness of your Divine Blueprint, and have your balance be known.  Together that balance will anchor humanity into a new understanding, into a new wisdom, and into a new insight of how your world will evolve in the next week, month and years.  Call on me, for I serve you.  Namaste.   

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Claiming Your Core Energy Part II

As you sit within your Solar Plex, think of it as a golden globe that offers a great gift of confidence. As you are holding that glow like a hug, you start visualizing its strength of what makes you smile with the biggest yes to share your destiny of you with others.  It can be analyzing data, writing, house cleaning, serving the homeless.  As you grow this confidence, this piece of you connects with other people that can then help build the win-win, because your destiny is part of another’s destiny, and then together you build more.  You are all here to live the life where you are one hundred percent creative in the worthiest way of your temple.  In claiming the power of your Solar Plex, you get to share that confidence. Once you start sharing that confidence, it magnetizes all that you felt you can never have, to you.  Share currency with the worthiness of your heart, your body, emotions, and your mind and spirit.  It is a whole system that does not create slavery out of anyone, but the joy of life, for each breath has a solution to it.  Once you know your currency, and you can envision this globe like My Lady(Trisha Michael) does every morning, you breathe deeply in asking for this currency to bring a solution to a problem you have.  In this currency, the problem has a solution, for each breath you do has an answer. Your breath has a solution.  Connecting deeply to your confidence and being true to your authentic self gives you the light and the note of the hum that keeps you altogether because in spirit you are a vibrational frequency.  There is no man in the clouds looking over you.  You are the holiest being that embodies this world.  Your soul is the clouds.  Your heart is the ground. Together that connection brings a collective hum to hold you all together. The angelic choir sings with your hum, so as your hum vibrates higher, we sing higher and if you hum lower as a collective, we sing lower with you.  For the lowest vibration is still holy here.  In its holiness, that vibration offers a way to ground to acknowledge the holiness of your temples.  Your creations are decadent, and they truly deserve to be nourished. You deserve in the depth of nourishment, the substance of its worth.  Namaste

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Claiming Your Core Energy Part I

Greetings to all of you.  I am here to share how you claim your core energy in this time of deep, deep change. Your world is changing. You are going to be looking at your monetary system differently.  This system is the core that you have come to honor and feel your worth.  Many of you shy away from this world, for in establishing your worth with the way your monetary system is, it holds great debt. The system only enables a few to make them feel that they stand above all there is.  When humans as a collective create monopolies of the ego, these monopolies will topple.  Spirit is oneness and in oneness, you all share equally. You are part of the one, and in claiming your sovereignty in this oneness, you claim your worth. 
     This is the time of small and large change.  One system that you will see topple is your central banking system.  This system creates money out of nowhere. In its creation, it gives debt to all who touch it, enslaving you to a power that has no true worth.  You are not an indentured servant of the life and destiny that you chose to be.  You are its holy creator, and you need to claim sanctuary of your holiness within the temple of your body and claim your worth.   In claiming your worth you create the monetary gifts of spirit called currency.  Each of you is part of the current of creation, and everything that you create out of your holiness, worth, and sovereignty of you is a true blessing to Mother Earth, to each other, and to us who serve you.  You create the gifts of your talents and destiny, and it is our greatest yum that we hold. As we are here celebrating you today, we are offering awareness to not be indentured to a system that is greatly flawed and created out of an ego’s need to hold power over your spiritual sovereignty. This gift of currency that I am sharing will allow you to fulfill your monetary abundance, your monetary truth that you wrote into your holy destiny as a way of celebrating the holy creation that you have come to participate in. This currency is always a win-win situation and always allows each of you to say yes to something that is an intrinsic part of you.  Your purpose is to leave this earth happier and in peace than how you came.  You want joy to be the resonating hum of celebrating your temple of you. 
     The one part of honoring this currency in getting it to flow is confidence.  You each hold many gifts and strengths that bring confidence to your being. What makes you smile?  What makes you engage in the greater good?  That is your Solar Plex, yes?  They have stolen the power of this area and made you dread who you really are as your authentic self.  “They” is a wonderful catchword or tone for fear.  The ego constantly conditions your awareness. You do not know fear in spirit, so many of your destinies come with a wonderful gift to humanity.  Once you arrive in the land of conditioning, which is duality, you find the great movements of all your authentic selves being destroyed or clipped.  How often have you said yes to something only to hear your family or authority say no?  How often have you given the truth of you away because you are not valuable or worthy of that truth?  In those places, you have lost the power of your currency and the confidence of your divine destiny.  So, the ego energies around you then make you more and more insecure, for then your choices must conform more with the spaces around you that hold you a prisoner to achieve your basic needs of sustaining your physical form.  Your holy temple is much more sovereign in its power than that, for it is the holy altar of you with the creator.  In your body, you have full sovereignty of your spiritual power, and thus the ego will wage war on your physical form. You will feel so insecure in your body that you will disassociate and give power away that was truly yours. 
     To come back into the power of worth in this core power of your sovereignty in your sacred temple, all can go to church and claim sanctuary, which is part of a deeper conversation for the spiritual creation of altar.  Even now the ego cannot destroy that piece of reality.  When you claim your sovereignty in the holy temple of you, you start to reenergize your Solar Plex and the power in your form.  The wonderful gift of this is what keeps it moving to create currency to get your worth, right?  Because if you get your money, many just give it away, because that money has debt attached to it.  The rich must continue to be rich for each dollar has at least twenty percent debt attached to it.  If you are a billionaire, think of the debt that you intrinsically have. You must get more.  That is why the meek do inherit the world, for if you have ten dollars, your debt is not much.  You are worth more than ten dollars. You are worth millions.  How do you achieve it and keep it, right?  You who are very intuitive and sensitive will give this money of debt away because you do not want to be a servant in this wheel of power that is not intrinsically yours. 

     Your power is currency and it changes the fabric of how you achieve the glory of your destiny in the work of your holy temple.  I go back to say, what makes you confident?    That confidence might be at first giving and receiving in a sharing way.  Once you build your confidence, then financial change starts to filter back and forth. When you do your deepest service of confidence because that is connected to your divine destiny of purpose making this world a better place, you then get more money and invest it in all the lovely places that show your worth. So, you keep it, and in keeping that and expanding the temple of you in the glory of your worth, you then share it with others.  Then they start winning and they start sharing it with others.  Instead of having the trickle-down effect of fear, you get to have the connective heart to heart power that sustains a reality of all to have their worth in their destiny. What power that brings.   

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Bringing the Universal Laws into Action

Now is the time in this land of abundant news stories that you are again being brought to be a true witness of humanity.  Your space in witnessing what is happening is more powerful than ever, provoking you to say and do the renewal and the rewrite of love and not fear.  I am here as a witness, so you can with your wholeness bring a message of wisdom to this allure of unconditional love. It is an alluring aspect for you all.  But, when you hold the essence and the promises of a miracle, and the wisdom and knowledge of love, you give yourself permission to celebrate and connect with a deepness of you that is fully harnessed in your gifts of unconditional love. Unconditional love is what brings the universal laws into action. Unconditional love is the law of oneness.
      You are always in motion, and you are part of the perpetual motion, so thus, you never fully die, and you do reincarnate until that motion is fully in unconditional love. The power of vibration is harmonizing your essence in your landscape with your purpose.  This harmonizing gives you the wisdom of being a witness in your landscape, for none holds the wisdom of the whole.  That is why you are all integral in connecting and weaving the masterpiece of oneness.  No one is left out.
     Your mind is the place where you hold the ideas of who you are and who you shall become.  It is within the mind that you get to rewrite any regrets that you hold.  When you say you are ready to rewrite this story now, so I do not have to come back and ever redo, you get to have that idea and that knowledge of what is the perfect rewrite. This proactive joining of your mind, your power, and your heart open more wisdom to shine. It is not about any other individual but you, and you are the one that has been chosen.  Namaste                                                                                          

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Parable to Oneness

     You all grew up knowing the fable of the three little pigs.  They were being chased by the big bad wolf.  You constantly feel like you are being chased by the big bad wolf.  The programming of your ego is the awareness that there are eyes upon you waiting to pounce and take what you have worked so hard to claim.  Maybe you are good in acknowledging that the wolf doesn’t affect you any longer.  But, the wolf could affect your loved ones, or the love of your country, or the love of Mother Earth.  Ego dynamics are a part of your filtering system, for as spirit is always in motion, so too is your ego.  The ego is as creative as your Divine Creation for it is in the awareness of you that you did create to survive.  Even in your happiness, the highest of highs that you have ever achieved, you feel that this might fall and that you might always have been watched.  Inner and outer programming that is streaming like the waves of your microwave, heating you up and scattering your senses and making you choose from a place of impulse and survival, instead of an alignment with your divinity in love.
     In the story, you have three little pigs. You have the mind, heart, and body. The three little pigs found ways to outsmart that wolf. They realized that the house of hay didn’t quite save them. Then they realized that the house of sticks didn’t save them.  Yet, the house of bricks and mortar saved them, and they were safe.  Thus, your boundaries became brick and mortar, and you are safe.  Your mind is safe, your heart is safe, and your body is clearly safe.  But, brick and mortar don’t move in a world of celebrating the expansion of you.  It doesn’t move in a way of offering you to be creative and share you with others. 
     You are safe from ego programming, but that ego programming always finds a way to come in through the chimney, right?  You are smart enough to catch them. The ego programming wants to come in through your crown.  Your spinal cord is the chimney.  You catch the ego programming through that field of awareness, and it is why claiming you is so important because brick and mortar last a long time.
     The strengths of your systems that run-in brick and mortar have lasted centuries.  But now, with the energy age, brick and mortar are no longer safe. The ego programming is within the walls.  The ego programming can filter throughout the night. It is not just down the chimney, but it is filtered in every nook and cranny. You then are looking at the borders that you hold, and the boundaries that felt so right for so long and are now imploding.  
     The gift of you in claiming your space of divine truths is all harvested in your walking stick of life, which is your spinal cord.  That will allow you to then expand those truths throughout your field to make you safe and bring you back into a connective force. Because, in the energy age, brick and mortar no longer serve the purpose that it used to. 
     Wood holds more options because it has more allowance of flow.  You are not feeling so caged into paradigms of a structure.   More of you are expressing the need to work from home and not go to brick and mortar, or seeing your home as a celebration of offering it to others, and to become part of a community of textures that come and go and flow in the field that you are all moving in.  The energy age is you.  Then you will see that it is more straw that really helps you to connect.  The ego is afraid of the expansiveness that your particles hold, and that you can expand globally and be true to your divine principles and your divine destiny.

     There will be a time when borders do not make sense.  There will be a time that governments will choose to govern differently. You as a spokesperson of this movement will be able to celebrate your truths in holding the clarity of the collective unity of oneness and how it provides the harvest of abundance for all.  Celebrate that you are here to say yes to this journey and hold those three little pigs in the light of love, for their awareness of movement from straw to sticks to bricks have given you the fulfillment in cycling back to create this heart in the knowledge that your oneness is the pure system that will allow you all to thrive. Namaste 

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Take Responsibility for Your Creations During This Time of Great Implosion

What is creativity in an expansion?  Expansion is the foremost purpose in you showing up at this time. Creation is the truth and the source of you.  Know that this time is all about you.  You Dear ones are the power, for you have created everything around you.  Your power of expression mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically has created the foundation of who you are now.  Your power to be you is the power you must claim.  As you claim this power, your hearts expression and your destiny fulfill the treasure and the glory of your heart’s designed purpose.  Your purpose is the rhythm of accepting your power as permission to speak, to share, and to celebrate your voice and your note to the collective notes of humanity.  Your voice again holds the power to unite the expression of your heart and your mind.   
     Humanity is not a separate space of interactions, but it is a united awareness of oneness.  Because your voice is the vehicle of expression of your heart and your mind, your vision of the collective of oneness and of you, is propelled through the visions that you receive from us, the communication wizards of the source, love, and oneness.   Your visions that you behold are the remembrances of your design that you brought to your holy vehicle or your body, to fully be in this expression of you. 
     Your visions give you the framework to hold and be held in the dance of oneness in your beautiful Crown Chakra.  Your crown of glory always is your connection of depth, of truth, and of strength with source and love.  As you hold this powerful texture of the movement of creation, you are here to understand with each other your divine power and grounding these pieces of creation, of power, of heart, of words, and of vision in a connective voice of oneness. 
     Your foundation is the way you hold your sacred journey to the ground around you. What foundation are you accepting to stand proudly on?  What foundation is crumbling around you?  For you are in the time of great implosion.  In this time right now, the energy is folding in upon itself.  The great inbreath of all humanities creation is now.  Within the great inbreath, you are finding the true sensitivity of your physical form.  Your creations are coming back into your awareness to be fully acknowledged, fully accepted and fully hugged in the remembrance of its creation. 
     Previously you had been in the time of outward expansion and many times when you create and allow it to go free, you release a lot of the responsibility that was part of that creative endeavor.  Your responsibility of being the source which you are, of every creation upon this Earth right now, upon the Universe right now, and upon the space of duality, makes you responsible also for the expansion of your creations.  For us that serve you in the fulfillment of your destiny, these expansions are pivotal in creation.  There is no right or wrong.  There is no awareness of anything but you creating and feeling the majestic waves of how your creation has benefited you as a collective, you as an individual, and you inside your body.  The expansion outward was a wonderful time that has served great growth upon your soil.  Your foundations of how you as you and a collective, and how you want to show up, has made a statement big and bold.  This big bold statement of creativity has offered many to be seen, and many to be heard.  Also, within the big bold statement, the breaking news of you is felt through the devices of how you share your words.  Words are always part of a sacred glue of your heart and mind.  If those words don’t hold that sacred glue and it is just from the mind, your foundations will crack.  If your words are just from your heart, your foundations will crack.  For you Dear One’s create from the mind that is one, and from the heartbeat that is one of humanity.  The mind is one of spirit.  The heart is one of humanity.  In a sacred placement, your creations that are big and bold are breaking the news of love, victory, joy, and glory. 
     Yet, if your words shouting out your creation is only from the mind or a broken heart, the breaking news is of pain, strife, power struggle, or of doom.  Your foundation built on the breaking news of you must withstand the scrambling, the interference, and the conditioning of your space that has diluted your voice as sacred and created where you no longer want to be out in a foundation of big and bold.  But, you hold as a collective a new tucking in behind devices surrendering your power of visibility and vulnerability.  Thus, in this great implosion of energy, it is the time that you have shown up for, yes?  This time was marked to bring in the breath of oneness so you can gather the strength that has been lost.  Many know that they did not take responsibility for their past lives of the great expansion.
     So, you have come to take responsibility for the great energetic implosion.  One way that you are all doing this is to be strong in looking for answers within your physical form.  Many of your illnesses that behold your physical form at this moment are because there was not an awareness in the past either through your DNA, past endeavors, or past lives, that you did not understand the responsibility that you hold in the texture of oneness with all your neighbors.  Thus, the physical form has become the template of awareness.  So, if your body is being triggered, it is that realization either through your DNA or through a past life, your heart did not accept a responsibility of staying strong with your voice, with your mind, and with the heartbeat of yours. If your digestion is off, there is a way that you did not nourish a space around you. The more digestion problems that you have, the more that your responsibility was off.  This does not mean that it was just you, so do not take this as an I am guilty statement of past wrongs, for many of you have taken on soul group energy as you have come to say that you will hold this space, and heal it for the soul group, and not just you in a past life.  In the past soul groups came to expand in power, in creation, or in love. If your heart is feeling a heaviness at this time, know that it is more than just you, it is a soul group expression of how as a soul group you were learning this vulnerable space of unconditional love.  For you are all old souls, and you have been willing because of your mastery of holding foundations, that you have accepted to be part of the healing of a soul group too.  Know that your wisdom, your strength, and your willingness to be holding inwardly the divine awareness in your physical form this lifetime, allows this implosion to heal the recklessness of the past, and to celebrate the breaking news of love and togetherness.  For that truly is always your purpose when you set your feet upon dear Mother Earth.  Namaste